Thursday, August 14, 2008

Crazy Crazy term

This semester has been a lot more 'exciting' than the last one. First there was the settlement with Charleston, then there was the unforseenable increase in projects from a prediction of 2 individual 2 group and a test to 4 group 2 individual and a test. The projects were heavier in content and tigher in the due dates. On average, its about one due date in less than 2 weeks. Just giving you an idea how bad it is, i think i haven't really work on a project till 4.30a.m the day it was due since sem 1 and furthermore its on my birthday. Btw thanks for all those who had wish me and send me gifts, appreciate it.

I hope even with our shortage of manpower, we can still pull through with the synergy and dedication to excellence from my team mates and maybe a bit of luck to nail the grades and get the converted HD for the projects. This is afterall an important semester for most of my team mates including myself in finalizing or nailing that degree of distinction or being top in our specializtion for one of my team mates.

1 comment:

On Eagle's Wings said...

"Don't worry man! WE will nail it!" *Scurries to reservist after making comment* WAHAHAHA!!!